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The film describes

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摘要: 10.BlueSeaandBlueSky(1988)WatercresseightpointsevenThefilmdescribestheplightofindividualswhoaredifficulttointegrateintotherealsociety,sotheyturntolook......

10. Blue Sea and Blue Sky (1988)


eight point seven

The film describes the plight of individuals who are difficult to integrate into the real society, so they turn to look for another kind of life in their dreams, with a strong autobiographical color. Human beings continue to challenge the limits, but finally they end up returning to the sea as a blue film.

11. Pretty Woman (1990)


seven point nine

The film tells the love story between Edward, a handsome and charming businessman, who came to Los Angeles to talk about a business. He ran into Vivian, a prostitute, because he was lost, and hired Vivian as a female companion to attend social activities for a week.

12. Ghost (1990)


eight point two

The film tells about the deep love between Sam, a young bank clerk, and Meili, his fiancee. When she came back from a play, Sam was shot and killed by bandits. Meili was very sad. From then on, Sam became a ghost. He found that his friend Carl was behind the plot that led to his death. In order to steal the huge amount of money in the bank, he wants to get the password Sam has, and he also pursues Meili.

13. Edward Scissorhands (1990)


eight point seven

This film is a tragic fairy tale about Edward Scissorhands, who lives alone in the castle. After being taken home by a woman who sells cosmetics, Peg, by mistake, breaks into the castle, he falls in love with Peg's daughter but cannot be together.

14. Sleepless in Seattle (1993)


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The film mainly tells about a man who lost his wife and was immersed in pain for a long time. With the help of his little son, he found his new partner in the vast crowd through the national radio talk show.

15. Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)


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The film tells the story of Charles, the hero, who met and fell in love with the girl Kelly in the process of attending four weddings and a funeral.

16. Little Women (1994)


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The film tells the story of the four sisters' life and their pursuit of different ideals and destinations during the American Civil War.

17. Sense and Sensibility (1995)


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After the death of an English manor owner, his daughters are faced with the fate of going out of the house because the inheritance law stipulates that the family property is only passed on to men and not to women. Marrying a good husband has become their urgent need. For the happiness of the whole family, the eldest daughter hid her children's personal feelings deeply; The little girl is willing to pay for love. In the end, both "reason" and "emotion" get true love.

18. Bridges and Bridges (1995)


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The film tells that Francesca, a housewife, met Robert Kincaid, a photographer of National Geographic magazine, four days after her family went out. After a short romantic relationship, Francesca broke up with Robert Kincaid painfully because she did not want to leave her family. But the love for Kincaid haunted Francesca's later life.

19. Love Letter (1995)


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This film is adapted from the novel Love Letter of the same name, which tells a love letter originally sent to heaven out of grief, but unexpectedly receives a reply from the same name, and gradually discovers a pure love story that has been buried for many years but has always been quiet.

20. Romeo and Juliet (1996)


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The film is adapted from Shakespeare's novel of the same name. The film tells about a love tragedy in Verona Beach, which is caused by the hatred of the previous generation that prevented a pair of young people, Romeo and Juliet, who belong to Montague and Capulet, two feuding families, from falling in love.

21. Jane Eyre (1996)



The film tells about Jane Eyre who lost her parents when she was young and stayed with her aunt. She was bullied by the unequal treatment and suffered from the injustice and pain that others could not imagine at a young age. When she came of age, she became a governess of Sanfield Noble Manor. She won the respect and love of her master with her sincere feelings and noble character. Unexpectedly, fate was so cruel to her. She paid an incalculable price for this marriage, but she always stuck to her faith and her ideal and pursuit.

22. The British Patient (1996)


eight point five

The story tells of a chance meeting of four sad people in an abandoned villa in Italy at the end of the Second World War. They live in an idyllic landscape, but cannot enjoy the peace and tranquility brought by the end of the war.

23. Anna Karenina (1997)


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This film is adapted from the novel of the same name by the Russian writer Lev Tolstoy. It tells the tragedy of Anna, a noble woman, who pursues love and happiness, but finally commits suicide by lying on the rails.

24. Titanic (1997)


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The film takes the event that the Titanic cruise ship hit the rocks and icebergs when its maiden set sail in 1912 as the background, and tells a touching story about two poor painters in different classes, Jack and Ruth, a noble woman, who abandoned the secular prejudice and fell in love, and finally Jack gave Ruth the chance of life.

25. A Beautiful Life (1997)


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The film tells the story of a Jewish father and son who were sent to the Nazi concentration camp. The father used his imagination to tell a lie that they were in a game. In the end, the father let his son's childlike innocence not be hurt, but he died tragically.

26. City of Angels (1998)


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This film tells the story that Seth, an angel with all magic powers, fell in love with Maggie, a doctor. In order to be with Maggie, Seth gave up his identity as an angel and fell into the mortal world.

27. Love in Budapest (1999)


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The film tells a story that the delicate and ambiguous relationship between three people was broken under the background of the war era.

28. In July (2000)



The film tells the story of Julie and her long admired physics teacher Danny driving to Istanbul to meet the Türkiye girl Merek.

29. Moulin Rouge (2001)


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The film mainly tells the love story between the heroine Satine and the hero Christian.

30. My Barbarian Girlfriend (2001)


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The film is adapted from a popular Korean online novel. It tells an interesting and romantic love story between a beautiful and brutal hostess and a college student named Morning Glory.

31. No Guess (2003)


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The film tells the tragic love story of Julian, a little boy who lost his mother, and Sophie, a Polish girl who had moved to her new home. From childhood to adulthood, he fell in love with each other but dared not say it.

32. True Love First (2003)


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The film mainly tells a comedy hodgepodge of 10 love stories. The touching English love stories converge into a romantic, sweet and humorous Christmas Eve. On the first day of his work in Downing Street, the British Prime Minister was fascinated by handing tea to his subordinates. The sister of the British Prime Minister has been married for many years and suspects that her husband is unfaithful.

33. Cold Mountain (2003)


eight point one

The film tells the story of the American Civil War, when a southern soldier named Inman was seriously injured and had few lives left. He escaped from the army and went back to his hometown, Lengshan, only to meet his beloved Ida. Ada spent a period of independent transformation in the countryside with mountains and shadows, learned how to fight against the harsh life, and warmed up with the mountain girl Ruby in the cold mountains during the war, living a hard and happy life

34. Brilliant Life (2003)


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The film tells the story of an ordinary Italian family of six, Kalati, who lived, died, died, and died during the ups and downs from 1966 to 2000.

35. Long Engagement (2004)


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This film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Sebastian Zaprezzo. It mainly tells the touching story of Mathilde's persistence in waiting for her fiance Manici in the First World War.

36. Pride and Prejudice (2005)


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The film tells the story of the love and spouse selection of five sisters Elizabeth Bennett, the daughter of a British squire in the early 19th century.

37. The Veil (2006)


eight point three

This film tells about the vanity girl Kitty in London in the 1920s, who only wanted to squeeze herself into the upper class. She was willing to choose a marriage without love to marry Doctor Walter. After marriage, she moved to Shanghai with her husband. However, she was so lonely that she immediately got involved with a British diplomat to cheat on her husband. In the face of his unfaithful wife, Walter resolutely decided to go to the cholera ravaged rural areas to practice medicine as the greatest punishment for her. The floating world is full of troubles, passing by death and despair every day, but the couple found another world and approached each other for the first time in a remote foreign land.

38. Love during Cholera (2007)


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The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The film is about a man who fell in love with the daughter of a mule dealer at first sight in Cartagena, a small Colombian town from the 19th century to the 20th century, but was not together under the interference of her father. He used women one by one to anesthetize himself. More than 50 years later, he still refused to pursue his love story.

39. Atonement (2007)


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Adapted from the novel of the same name written by Ian McEwan, the film tells a story about a change in the fate of three young people in an English manor in the 1930s.

40. Barcelona at Midnight (2008)


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The film takes place in the beautiful Barcelona, and tells the story of an American girl Vicky and Christina traveling together in Spain. Vicky is a staid person and is about to get married, while Christina is open-minded and full of curiosity. After coming to Spain, these two heroes with different personalities met a very attractive artist and his beautiful but jealous ex-wife. Then a series of interesting and romantic love stories happened between the four people.

41. Reader (2008)


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Based on the novel of the same name by German writer Benhard Schlink, the film tells an unforgettable love story between young Mike and middle-aged woman Hanna in the 1950s.

42. Slumdog Millionaire (2008)


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The film tells about Jamal, an Indian street boy from a slum, who participated in the TV program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. His purpose is to find his missing girlfriend, Latika, because his girlfriend has always been very enthusiastic about this TV program. However, when he was about to win a large bonus, he was exposed as suspected of cheating.

43. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)


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This film is adapted from the novel of the same name written by Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald. It tells a strange story that Benjamin Button, who was born with the image of an 80 year old man, gradually becomes young with the passage of time, finally returns to the infant form, and dies in the arms of the elderly lover Daisy.

44. Love and Elixir (2010)


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The film tells that Anne Hathaway plays the role of Margie Murdoch, who is suffering from Parkinson's disease. She originally wanted to live a life of "smartness" before she became seriously ill, but she met the drug dealer who sold Viagra. They made a lot of jokes between them, and the plot changed from a bitter drama to a romantic comedy.

45. Heart Beating (2010)


nine point one

This film is adapted from the original novel of the same name by Wendeleine Van der Laannan, and describes the interesting war between boys and girls in adolescence.

46. One Day (2011)


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The starting point of the film is 1988, which tells the story of Dexter (Jim Sturges) and Emma (Anne Hathaway), who just graduated from school, met for the first time, and then in the next 20 years, they met each other every year on this day, just talking about their lives here and there.

47. Love, Rosie (2014)


seven point five

The film tells about two childhood sweethearts who grow up together and face the big world. They have been in a state of "friendship above, lovers are not full", but they have met each other's ups and downs in love until they finally found out that they love each other most.

48. Spy Alliance (2016)



Taking World War II as the story background, the film tells a love story about the British spy Max and the French spy Marian who fell in love during the mission of assassinating the German ambassador.

49. Marriage Story (2019)


eight point six

The film tells the story that the drama director Charlie and actress Nicole decided to divorce each other because of their different ideas.

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50. Emma (2020)
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